Reproductive Emergencies: The Black Hole Of Emergency Medicine

The topic of reproductive emergencies immediately brings to mind the whelping bitch and the potential requirement for emergency veterinary intervention. From this point however, my knowledge of all other reproductive emergencies becomes somewhat hazy perhaps because I have rarely encountered other types of reproductive emergencies in my veterinary career. I also don’t remember being taught much about this subject matter at vet school.

Questions From the Dermatology Series from the Royal Canin Scientific Support Team Part 3

ATOPY AND VCN SKIN Q: Do you have a diet that helps with improved coat condition in cats that get matted easily, esp. Persians? For long-haired cats that are prone to matting, we would always advise regular grooming, as very often this will be the most effective way of keeping the matting under control. It is also important to consider obesity, arthritis and other causes of joint pain in a cat that used to be able to keep its coat in good condition but now fails to do so, as very often a problem resulting in painful and or reduced mobility for the cat can also result in reduced grooming,

Questions From the Dermatology Series from the Royal Canin Scientific Support Team Part 2

FOOD ALLERGY AND HYPOALLERGENIC Q: How does James Wellbeloved fare as a hypoallergenic food trial? To my mind there are 3 levels of diets which are currently marketed as ‘hypoallergenic’: 1)The naturally-sourced or named-protein products (such as James Wellbeloved) – they take their proteins from ingredients which aren’t normally associated with adverse reactions to food but are not manufactured to the same standards as elimination diets 2)

RCVS Webinar Veterinary Nurses And The Law Questions

Most of the questions received following the webinar relate to issues covered by the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses and its supporting guidance. In particular: • Chapter 18, which deals with delegation to veterinary nurse • Chapter 19, which deals with the treatment of animals by unqualified persons • Chapter 13, which deals with clinical and client records • Chapter 17, which deals with the veterinary team and business • Chapter 20, which deals with whistle-blowing.

RCVS News: New Video Highlights Benefits Of The Professional Development Phase

The benefits of the Professional Development Phase (PDP) and the support it provides for new veterinary graduates have been highlighted in a new video produced by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). The PDP is undertaken by all UK veterinary graduates during their first few years in clinical practice and the video demonstrates how it helps new veterinary surgeons build their clinical competence and confidence through structured self-assessment.

Protein Losing Enteropathy A Must See Webinar

Jane Armstrong shone a light on protein losing enteropathy (PLE) in a way that only she can in last week’s veterinary webinar organised by ‘The Webinar Vet’. PLE is a complex syndrome which can be challenging to diagnose, and Jane gave us some great advice on how to get through this whole process.

Preventing Feline Coronavirus and Feline Infectious Peritonitis

This was the last in a series of webinars discussing  Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) led by Dr Diane Addie, a veterinary virologist who has focused her research on this complex and devastating condition. This webinar aptly turned its attention to the prevention of this disease and Diane delivered the main take home message right from its outset, “the single most effective way to prevent FIP is to prevent the kitten/cat ever becoming infected with Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) in the first place!”

Prepubertal Neutering: How To Introduce It In Practice To Benefit Cat Welfare And Your Business

I have always seen pre-pubertal neutering as a procedure confined to rescue centres purely as a method of population control. It is a something I have never really considered for use in general practice as I have always considered the size of a kitten a limiting factor. However, last week’s webinar led by RSPCA hospital directors Caroline Allen and David Yates demonstrated that prepubertal neutering can be advantageous to the growth of a veterinary business as well as playing a crucial role in cat welfare by helping to control an already ‘out of control’ cat population.

Post Hibernation Anorexia (PHA) in Tortoises

Spotting the word ‘tortoise’ on my list of evening consults can make me feel a little anxious, aware that my scope of knowledge for this species doesn’t match up to its canine and feline equivalents. Neil Forbes, the speaker at last week’s veterinary webinar covering Post Hibernation Anorexia (PHA) in the tortoise believes it’s the vet’s responsibility to advise owners on the husbandry and management of this species, and keeping our knowledge base up to speed is essential.

The Positive Vet Nurse

The phrase ‘millennial burnout’ describes the high level of stress that seems to typify the generation of people born between 1981 and 1996, where anxiety, depression, and a sense of just not being able to relax pervades to an alarming degree.

Pharyngeal Stick Injuries: A Surgical Emergency?

After participating in last week’s Platinum Member’s webinar discussing pharyngeal stick injury it was clear why Paul Aldridge, who led this webinar, always gives a frisbee as a parting gift to the owners of dogs who have recovered from this sometimes fatal condition. If the stress, money and heartache for both vet and owner could somehow be avoided by simply replacing a stick with a frisbee, then I can’t imagine owners ever wanting to throw a stick for their dog again.